Edyss, Enny, Ellien, Eron, Edison, Eleanor, Ewa

After an incident that happened to our Adynka, the founder of our kennel... at that second it was decided that the empty place and heartache after her will at least partially fill this little treasure with red ribbon and the name after her granny. We hope that she'll makes us happy and she'll be healthy, our little EDYSS.
23/06/2018 - ENNY left us the first. She went to the far East, but we have been promised that we will meet her at the exhibitions. We believe that she will have the best life in a family where dogs grown up already and that she was selected by right people and, of course, she selected them, too. We have to believe that she will make her new owners happy soooo long.

29/06/2018 - Our calmest princess left us as the second. The partner for our ELLIENKA will be the 10 years old Maltese and 8 years old girl and I believe that they will be perfect team. We wish you a loooot of health Elli.
30/06/2018 - Eronek has left us the third. We called him mammoth at home and he was the first boy in "E" litter. He went to the ranch near the Prague and I hope that he will not be a disaster among horses. Sweetie, we wish you a lot of happiness, health and see you at the exhibitions.

01/07/2018 - Our little blue called also Fabi (like his father) was the most skilful puppy. He offered his little paws like nobody else, so he was not only Fabi or EDISON but also "Mr. little paw". His new masters were a long time unclear. But in the end, I believe that he has the best family, which could not wait for him and fate did it this way. Edi, we wish you a happy and beautiful life.
01/07/2018 - Pink "princess", first-born, mascot of the "E" litter, in one word - element. Her new family would never cross my mind even in the most beautiful dream. And one Saturday socializing visit decided, and I have never seen the more natural decision to obtain a new member. ELEANOR, I hope that you will obey your aunt Bahija and you will not tease her. We wish you a lot of health because in this family your happiness will be ensured for sure.

It was no longer possible to postpone it and I hope, Ewi, that you will be a good mate for your sister in a good health for a long time and you will enjoy also your granny. I believe that you will have a great time. Not everybody can say that he/she has two masters.